Take control of your home buying experience

Did you know 30% of tax is miscalculated?

Did you know that 60% of applications are
rejected because of miscalculated property tax?

We help you to get an SDLT accurate calculation.

Never get overcharged
and never underpay.

SDLT, LTT and LBTT for residential properties can be a daunting task for many. The ever-evolving nature of regulations, combined with the layers of complexity surrounding property types, ownership structures, and reliefs, often leave professionals uncertain. The problem is 30% of SDLT is being miscalculated. You could either be overpaying - who wants to pay more tax they need to, or underpaying - and being chased by HMRC to pay the rest and you will be held accountable.

Our platform is dedicated to demystifying property tax for residential and commercial properties, offering accurate calculations.

The Residential Tax Rates

Basic rates payable
The Zero Rate - up to £250,000 (or if a relief or exemption applies)
The minimum rate where Multiple Dwelling Relief is claimed
The next £675,000 up to £975,000 for wholly residential property
The next £575,000 up to £1.5M for wholly residential property
The remaining amount over £1.5M for wholly residential property
Plus possible Additional Rates on top
An extra 2% rate is added where the buyer is nonresident in the UK
The Zero Rate - up to £250,000 (or if a relief or exemption applies)
The penalty rate applied to all the consideration where a single dwelling is bought by a Company (but there are reliefs available)
The highest rate of SDLT - where a non-resident company buys a single dwelling (but there are reliefs available)

Hear from a fellow

Farnworth rose

Farnworth rose run a conveyancey firm in Lancashire. Farnworth Rose have been a Compass partner for over 2 years. See what Farnworth Rose have to say about using compass.

The Compass
Analysis Process

Why can’t you rely on the HMRC
online calculator for this?
The HMRC online calculator is just a basic calculator. It relies on you to making key decisions on what type of property it is, what the consideration is, what reliefs to apply to the calculation and so on. Even HMRC admit it is only a guide to estimate the tax. Also, the HMRC calculator will not alert you when you are paying too much SDLT, or suggest any available reliefs. In contrast, Compass does all this for you, and in fact will compare two or even three different valid ways of assessing a transaction, to give the most tax-efficient result.
The Compass Analysis screens
The Compass Analysis screens
Your conveyancer completes a questionnaire about The Transaction, the Consideration, The Property and The Land. They may need to ask you detailed questions on these points.
The Calculation and Analysis
The Calculation and Analysis
By comparing all the answers and tax tables, Compass analyses the best way to selfassess the Tax.
The Result
The Result
In most cases Compass will assess the tax and issue an Audit Trail, covered by our indemnity. In some cases it may assess the factors as needing a personal assessment by our tax advisers.

Hear from a fellow

Farnworth rose

Farnworth rose run a conveyancey firm in Lancashire. Farnworth Rose have been a Compass partner for over 2 years. See what Farnworth Rose have to say about using compass.

Did you Know?

  • £2-3bn in overpaid stamp duty per annum (actively being targeted by Stamp duty refund companies)
  • All law firms are at risk
  • Client Care letters don’t protect firms from litigation claims
  • Law firms are accountable for all mistakes made whether its in-house or by accountants/advisors

Hear from a fellow

Farnworth rose

Farnworth rose run a conveyancey firm in Lancashire. Farnworth Rose have been a Compass partner for over 2 years. See what Farnworth Rose have to say about using compass.

Time to calculate property tax smarter, not harder.